Success in network marketing looks like duplication. Duplication comes from simplicity.
There has never been an easier duplication system than .
Here’s how it works:
1. “A” = Add.
Once you peak someone’s interest, and they start asking questions, and/or want to see more product details and testimonies- simply add them to our info community. It is called Team Go Extreme Results Page
MLM Pro Tip: Never add someone to a group without first asking permission!
Here is what I say: “ That’s a great question. What I am going to do is add you to a private community, here on Facebook, that will help answer all of your questions. I will tag you on a few things that will be helpful during your diligence process. Look around the group. Does this work for you?”
2. T = Tag
Once you add your prospect to the relevant group, tag them on the pertinent information that answers there questions. Each of our products has ONE post with the picture of the product, the ingredients, and the benefits. Tag them in the comments section so they can scroll up and read about the product they are interested in.
If they want general product info - you can tag them on the video at top of page and let them browse on their own.
3. M = Message.
This is where third party credibility comes in to play. Setup a group message on FB Messenger, or via Text chain, with your upline leaders. This is a convenient and efficient way to get your prospects questions answered. It also shows your prospect that you value their time. I’ve had many people buy after a FB messenger connect and some short back and forth text/voice messages. And it they aren’t ready it’s the perfect way to segway to the next step - which is a three way call or a live zoom.
MLM Pro Tip: Be sure to edify your leaders properly. Give them the credibility they need to help you with your prospect. *Here’s a great training video below on edification, from one of my mentors, Brian Carruthers
There you have it. Ez-Peezy. It’s as simple as 1,2,3. Don’t over complicate things and don’t reinvent the wheel.
There has never been an easier duplication system than .
Here’s how it works:
1. “A” = Add.
Once you peak someone’s interest, and they start asking questions, and/or want to see more product details and testimonies- simply add them to our info community. It is called Team Go Extreme Results Page
MLM Pro Tip: Never add someone to a group without first asking permission!
Here is what I say: “ That’s a great question. What I am going to do is add you to a private community, here on Facebook, that will help answer all of your questions. I will tag you on a few things that will be helpful during your diligence process. Look around the group. Does this work for you?”
2. T = Tag
Once you add your prospect to the relevant group, tag them on the pertinent information that answers there questions. Each of our products has ONE post with the picture of the product, the ingredients, and the benefits. Tag them in the comments section so they can scroll up and read about the product they are interested in.
If they want general product info - you can tag them on the video at top of page and let them browse on their own.
3. M = Message.
This is where third party credibility comes in to play. Setup a group message on FB Messenger, or via Text chain, with your upline leaders. This is a convenient and efficient way to get your prospects questions answered. It also shows your prospect that you value their time. I’ve had many people buy after a FB messenger connect and some short back and forth text/voice messages. And it they aren’t ready it’s the perfect way to segway to the next step - which is a three way call or a live zoom.
MLM Pro Tip: Be sure to edify your leaders properly. Give them the credibility they need to help you with your prospect. *Here’s a great training video below on edification, from one of my mentors, Brian Carruthers
There you have it. Ez-Peezy. It’s as simple as 1,2,3. Don’t over complicate things and don’t reinvent the wheel.